Elevating Transparency: Our Audit Services
At Acseta, we recognize the critical role that audits play in promoting transparency, accountability, and trust in financial reporting.
As a leading provider of audit services in Singapore, we are committed to helping companies uphold the highest standards of financial integrity and compliance with regulatory requirements.
Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation, our experienced audit professionals are here to support your business objectives and ensure that your financial statements accurately reflect your company’s financial position and performance.
As no companies are alike, contact us for a no obligation customised quotation.
Our professional services include:
Statutory/ non-statutory audit of financial statements
for private limited companies, societies, charities and IPCs, MCSTs, etc.
Special-purpose audit
e.g. PPE capex, gross turnover, grants/claims, etc.
SSAE 3000 Limited assurance engagements
e.g. CST Matching Grants, MSF Mustering Report, MOH Subvention Report, etc.
SSRS 4400 Agreed-upon procedures
e.g. Childcare/Infantcare subsidy claims, grants/expenditure claims, etc.
e.g. Medisave claims, net worth, etc.
SSRE 2400/2410 Review of financial statements